

Proizvodnja ČETKI i METLI ● Production of BROOMS and BRUSHES

Ažurirano u Avgustu 2021. godine ● Updated in August 2021.

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Osnovan 1990. Godine ● Established in 1990.

O Nama ● About Us

Bečejpromet d.o.o. je osnovan 1990. godine sa sedištem u Bečeju, jedan je od većih proizvođača četki i metli u Srbiji.
U proizvodnom programu su sobne metle, metle za spoljnu upotrebu, puteve i hale, četke za domaćinstvo, četke za farbanje, pemzle svih velicina, pajalice, PET kofe, PET kofe sa cediljkom, lopate za sneg, mopovi svih veličina i raznih gustina, specijalne četke po narudžbi itd.
Bečejprometova proizvodnja se razvija po najnovijim tehnologijama 21. veka.
Trudimo se da izgledom, cenom i ekstra kvalitetom odgovaramo domaćem i stranom tržištu.

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Becejpromet d.o.o. was established in 1990. The company, located in Becej, is one of the biggest manufacturers in Serbia of brooms and brushes.
The production program includes room brooms, brooms for outdoor use, roads and halls, household brushes, paint brushes, brushes of all sizes, corner brushes, PET buckets, PET buckets with strainer, snow shovels, mops of all sizes and various densities, special brushes to order etc.
Following strategy of extensive investments we have steadily increaced our productions possibilities latest technologycal solutions and newest equipments at plant and at our customer's disposal.

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Bečejpromet Proizvodnja ● Becejpromet Production

Pogledajte Sve Slike ● Look at All the Pictures

Kontaktirajte Nas ● Contact Us

Za Više Informacija, Kontaktirajte Nas ● For More Informations, Contact Us

Nasa Lokacija ● Our Location

Naše Sedište Se Nalazi u Bečeju, u Ulici Potiska 212 ● Our Headquarters is Located in Becej, at 212 Potiska Street